Pro Tip: Use the esc_attr Function to Format alt Tags When Using ACF


Originally this article recommended using the htmlentities function. However, after a lot of helpful feedback, I’ve learned it’s best practice to use esc_attr

If you’re rendering images with ACF, make sure you run the alt text against the htmlentities esc_attr function. Why? Because there’s a chance that the alt text could contain quotation marks "".

acf image field setupClick to expand

If it does, it will break the formatting of the alt tag as seen below.


example of incorrectly formatted alt tagClick to expand

$image = get_field("banner_image");
$url = esc_url($image["url"]);
$alt = $image["alt"];

<img src="<?php echo $url; ?>" alt="<?php echo $alt; ?>" />
<img src="..." alt="Zapp Brannigan drinking " champaggan"">


example of correctly formatted alt tag using esc_attrClick to expand

$image = get_field("banner_image");
$url = esc_url($image["url"]);
$alt = esc_attr($image["alt"]);

<img src="<?php echo $url; ?>" alt="<?php echo $alt; ?>" />
<img src="..." alt='Zapp Brannigan drinking "Champaggan"' />